On last Thursday, October 5th, I was asked to present the 4 Quadrants in a leadership context in the Teal for Teal network in Malmö, Sweden. Teal for Teal is a global network, inspired by Frederic Laloux’s book, Reinventing Organizations, which presents breakthroughs in organizations over the last 2.000 years or more, since before the Roman empire, and then presents 12 case examples of next-stage organizations showing us how the future way of working could look like. Companies, where Purpose and Wholeness is in focus, and where there are no managers but possibly “all leaders”.

This makes it even more important to unfold the concept of leadership and practice it with all colleagues in the organization, not only a selected few. Plus I long to unfold the integral principles in leadership even more… as Laloux’s book mainly touches upon one of the five primary aspects of AQAL, namely the development levels. And not so explicitly the Quadrants, Types, Lines /Intelligences or States of consciousness.

So I was happy to be invited by Anna Lundbergh to come to the Teal for Teal network, to see if we could practice some of this together, focusing on the Quadrants this time. 25 brave souls showed up and made it a wonderful experience – even though way too short for all the things it opened up for! Let’s hope there will be more opportunities to explore later!

Read Anna’s summary here: http://www.alundbergh.com/en/2017/10/ledarskap-perspektiv-och-praktik/

And see my slides here: https://www.integral-lifestyle.dk/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Teal-for-Teal-Malm%C3%B8_20191005_Bettina-Hartmann.pdf 

More perspectives on using the Quadrant perspectives in Leadership: http://spaceholder.dk/quadrant-leadership

And some thoughts on a reflection tool to raise self-awareness in organizations: https://www.integral-lifestyle.dk/self-awareness-in-organizations.html

The 5 main elements in Integral Theory, explained as an Infographic: https://www.integral-lifestyle.dk/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/20170628_Integral-journey.pdf